
When PresentedTopicPresented By
February 9, 20251. Biosimilars: Newer addition in treatment of wet ARMD
2. Post intravitreal injection endophthalmitis (PIE)
1. Dr. Rahul Choubey
2. Dr. Rajendra Bisen
January 12, 20251. Endothelial keratoplasty
2. The masquerader in cornea
3. Safety and efficacy of Cyclosporine A in dry eye
1. Dr. Ankit Deoker
2. Dr. Chaitali Patel Harshey
3. Dr. Hema Joshi
December 12, 2024JDOS Diwali Milan
December 7, 2024WOS Conference MPSOS/JDOS
September 28, 20241. Debate on cataract in complex situations (moderated by Dr. Rahul Shukla
2. Debate on intra-vitreal injections – when, what to give, pros and cons (moderated by Dr. Himanshu Shukla)
Group discussion
July 27, 20241. Technology behind presbyopia correction IOLs: What’s new?
2. Clinical practice of phakic IOLs
1. Dr. Varun Gogia (New Delhi)
2. Dr. Anusha Ajwani (Bhopal)
June 2, 20244th Annual Conference of the JDOS (in memory of Prof. Dr. R. K. Mishra) Please visit annual conference page for details
March 10, 2024Unleashing the power of comfort and efficacy in Glaucoma managementDr. Rahul Shukla
February 24, 2024Pre and Post Operative Counselling in Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma & LASIKModerators: Dr. Pawan Sthapak, Dr. Rahul Shukla, Dr. Rajendra Bisen, Dr. Ritesh Shukla
January 6, 2024Optimising The Effectiveness of Topical Antiglaucoma TherapyDr. Ritesh Shukla
August 12, 20231. Interesting IOL complication cases
2. Cornea case discussion
1. Dr Avijit Vishnoi
2. Dr Indu Pandey
July 23, 20231. Surgery induced dry eye and its management
2. Evaporative dry eye and MGD management
1. Dr Rahul Shukla
2. Dr Akhilesh Nema
April 9, 20233rd Annual Conference of JDOS (held with MPSOS Mid-term conference)
March 12, 2023Glaucoma week meeting
December 25, 20221. Overcoming current challenges in diabetic eye disease
2. Are bio-similars optimizing DME treatment
1. Dr Rahul Choubey
2. Dr Avijit Vishnoi
September 3, 20221. Endophthalmitis
2. Corneal Topography
1. Dr Vivek Arora
2. Dr Shashi Kapoor (Mumbai)
August 27, 2022Netarsudil in the management of GlaucomaDr Ritesh Shukla
July 10, 20222nd Annual Conference in memory of Late Prof. Emeritus Dr. R K MishraPlease see annual conference page
March 8, 2022Glaucoma week round table discussionMembers
August 29, 20211. Unmet need and challenges in Glaucoma Management, An Indian Scenario
2. Clinical Update in Glaucoma Management – Fixing the adherence
3. Medical Management of Glaucoma
4. Glaucoma Drainage Device – What is the hype?
Q & A with Panel Discussion – Panelists: Dr. Ravi Agrawal, Dr. Navneet Saxena, Dr. Mudit Agrawal
1. Dr Pawan Sthapak
2. Dr Rahul Shukla
3. Dr. Reetesh Shukla
4. Dr Rakesh Shakya
June 6, 2021JDOS Colloquium (In memory of Late Prof. Dr. R. K. Mishra)Click here for agenda pg1, pg2
May 15, 2021Mucormycosis Webinar (multiple topics, click here for brochure and link)Multiple speakers, click here for brochure and link to webinar
March 14, 20211. Work-up in a case of Glaucoma Suspect
2. Medical management of Glaucoma
3. Ocular Side-effects of topical anti-glaucoma medications and their management
4. Introduction of new JDOS team
1 & 2, Dr Ritesh Shukla
3 Dr Chaitali Harshey
Convenors: Dr Atul Mishra, Dr Atul Sharma
Moderator: Dr Rahul Shukla
December 2020Comparative analysis of anti-vegf protocol T and real world evidence
Guruprasad S Ayachit
Hubli & JDOS team
November 29, 2020Management of Diabetic retinopathy
Dr Dinesh Talwar
Delh & JDOS team
November 1, 2020Managing of intraocular infection
August 30, 2020Retina CMEOrganized by MPSOS multiple speakers
Dr Himanshu Shukla
Dr Naresh Kumar Yadav (Bangalore)
Dr Rajendra Bisen
April 20207th April – Phaco basics and beyond
18th – OT management
27th – Practice management in and after COVID-19
Organized by MPSOS multiple speakers
December 15, 2018CME – Glaucoma UpdateDr Aditya Agarwal
November 18, 2018Advances in cataract surgery – time to changeDr Gaurav Mishra (Drishti Eye Foundation,Meerut)
Dr. Shivraj Mulik (Mulik Eye Hospital, Jalgaon)
July 22, 2018Modern management of dry eye disordersDr Sushil Tripathi
April 28, 2018Update on comprehensive ophthalmology – Lateral Tarsal Strip, an OverviewDr Mayuri Borah 
Panel Discussion by Dr. S C Batalia, Prof. Dr Navneet Saxena, Dr Atul Sharma, Prof. Parvez A Siddiqui
April 28, 2018CME on diabetes updateProf. Navneet Saxena, Prof. V K Bharadwaj, Dr P A Siddiqui, Dr Alok Sen, Dr Priyanka Kukrele, Dr Bahubali Jain
March 14, 2018AIOS-ARC workshop on “Combating Retinal Vascular Disorders by Comprehensive Ophthalmologists” at Hotel Satya Ashoka, Jabalpur 10:00 to 4:00 PMSpeakers – Dr Neeraj Sandhuja, Dr. Santosh S. Patel, Dr. Rajesh Sahai, Dr Pratik Mahajan
October 19, 2017Latest advances in cataract surgery – Dr Vinay Nangia, Suraj Eye Inst. Nagpur
Astigmatism Management – Dr Aarti S Choudhry, Eye Health Centre, Noida
Panelists – Dr S C Batalia, Dr Atul Mishra, Dr Hitesh Agrawal
August 27, 2017Zepto CapsulotomyDr Akhilesh Nema
August 13, 2017Felicitation of Prof. Dr. Navneet Saxena on taking charge as Dean NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur 
Update on GST – CA Mr Agarwal (S/o Dr Surendra Agrawal)
July 29, 2017Glaucoma simplifiedDr Rahul Shukla
May 7, 2017Mid-term CME
October 2, 2016Dry eye treatment with chloroquine phosphateDr Jatin Ashar (guest speaker)
September 27, 2016Dry eye Prof. Dr. Parvez Siddiqui
September 25, 2016Sutureless, Glueless Scleral Fixated IOL
Clinical evaluation of Corneal Blindness in Present Scenario
Dr Rahul Choubey 
Dr Sushil Tripathi
August 13, 2016Allergic conjunctivitis & role of Bipotastine Besilate (Betoact) 
Blood Sugar – Lab Updates
Dr Rahul Shukla 
Dr R Mahobia
August 7, 2016MIVS 
Dr Rajendra Bisen 
Dr Mudit Agrawal
July 17, 2016Non-infectious superficial keratopathiesSpeaker: Dr Sushil Tripathi 
Panelists: Dr Atul Mishra & Dr Atul Sharma
July 3, 2016Practical approach of post operative endophthalmitis by international faculty, Dr Andzrej Grzybowski from Poland 
Newer paradigms in managing microbial keratitis by Dr R R Sudhir Shankara Nethralaya, Chennai
May 28, 2016CME on medico-legal issues Guest Speaker Adv; Aditya Sanghi
March 11, 2016Glaucoma awareness rally at Medical College Jabalpur (Glaucoma awareness week 6-12 March, 2016)
February 13, 2016Phacoemulsification – an overview (Steps & complication management) a video based presentation
Glaucoma management – essential prerequisites 
Ocular Hydration & Homeostasis Quotient
Dr. Rahul Shukla
January 3, 2016Diabetic Retinopathy with emphasis on Anti-VEGFDr Prachir Agarwal & Dr Saras Jain
December 6, 2015Pars-plana VitrectomyDr Prachir Agarwal
November 29, 2015A prayer meeting was held for speedy recovery of Sohail and Abbas (Dr Shabbir Husain’s son and nephew who were involved in a road accident). Om Dhun (CD by Dr Atul Mishra), verses of Qoran by Dr Pervez, and a few lines by Dr Arun Jain. Attendees then gathered at Jabalpur Hospital Research Centre to convey their prayers to Dr Shabbir.
November 2015Post-operative endophthalmitis ManagementDr Vivek Arora
October 2015Post-operative EndophthalmitisDr Vivek Arora
September 2015Automated Perimetry – Basic Understanding
Trabeculectomy & its complications
Dr Mudit Agrawal 
Dr Saurabh Soni
August 2015Herpes Simplex Keratitis
Rebamipide: 360o Benefit in DES
Dr Sushil Tripathi
July 2015Update on Retinopathy of PrematurityDr Rajendra Bisen, Vitreo-retinal Surgeon and invited faculty Dr. Pawan Ghanghoriya, HOD Pediatrics, Medical College Jabalpur
June 2015JDOS contribution for IMA building was approved. Discussion regarding further sessions of the JDOS were taken.
March 2015JDOS activity for international glaucoma week at Medical College Jabalpur. Pamphlets for patient awareness of glaucoma were distributed and a rally was organised. Glaucoma medications were distributed free of cost the next day on campus, medical college OPD.
January 2015Nomination of new office bearer
Discussion regarding shifting of JDOS almirah and other equipment from IMA building
October 2014Family get-together at Hotel Krishna
September 2014Audit of mid term CME
April 2014April 27, 2014 MPSOS Mid-term CME – Pediatric Cataract, Basics and Beyond, Held at Medical College, Jabalpur. (click here to view report)
June 20131. Ophthalmomyiasis (Download zipped file here, extract to a folder and run the presentation)
2. Medicolegal Issues
Dr S C Batalia
June 20131 MRI in Ophthalmology2 Common mistakes in the diagnosis and management of GlaucomaDr. Barun Kr Nayak (courtesy Allergan)
February 2013Hyperhomocysteinemia as an independent risk factor in DM retinopathy (Acuventis sponsored
program, Folliact N)
Dr Bhavana Harshey
Cystoid Macular Oedema
Dr Bhavana Harshey
Dr Himanshu Shukla
November 2012Nov 3, 4 2012 @ 36th Annual Conference of MPSOS, Jabalpur (click here to veiw report)
August 2012Advanced Technology IOLs
Simple sling procedure for ptosis
Video on ptosis surgery
Dr Purendra Bhasin
Dr Kavita Kumar
Dr S C Batalia
March 2012Endo-nasal DCRDr Vivek Sharma
March 2012Optic Nerve DecompressionDr Nitin Adgaonkar
November 2011Increasing use of anit-VEGF in OphthalmologyDr Rahul Shukla
August 2011Practical aspects in the medical management of GlaucomaDr Rahul Shukla
March 2011Prof. Dr R K Mishra felicitation
January 2011Post-operative EndophthalmitisDr Indu Pandey
September 2010Guidelines to Preventing Intra-Ocular InfectionsProf. Dr. Navneet Saxena
May 2010Dilemmas in GlaucomaProf. Dr. Parvez Siddiqui
March 2009Osmoprotection
Dry eye following Cataract and Refractive Surgeries
Prof Dr Navneet Saxena
Dr Atul Mishra
July 2008Video-presentation on scleral fixated IOLsDr Atul Sharma
May 2008Case presentation – A case of IridocyclitisDr. Saras Jain
April 2008Case presentation – A case of Herpez ZosterDr Sheila Andrews
March 2008Recent advances in the management of glaucomaDr Vinay Nangia (guest speaker)
January 20081. HIV Ocular Manifestations
Dr Prashant Bawankule (guest speaker)
November 2007Case presentation
July 20071. A case of Absolute Glaucoma
2. A case of Fungal Keratitis
Dr Hussain Freeganjwalla
Dr Harsh Sukhwani
May 2007Bacterial EndophthalmitisDr Shikha Dubey
April 2007Independant CME – Update on Glaucoma sponsored by Allergan
India and Zeiss
Dr Ravi Thomas
March 2007HIV/AIDS awareness program by IMA Jabalpur
February 20071. Prostamides and Prostaglandins in Glaucoma
2. Bacterial Keratitis
Dr. Bahubali Jain
Prof. Dr. Navneet Saxena
May 2006LASERS in Glaucoma ManagementDr Navjyot Ahluwalia
April 2006Implant DCR (Pawar’s intracystic implant)Dr S C Batalia
February 2006Macular Hole Surgery
Diabetic Maculopathy
Dr Arvind Dubey (Gwalior)
January 2006Awards Session
October 2005Anti-bacterial agents in Ophthalmology
Fluoroquinolones in Ophthalmology
Dr. Indu Pandey
Dr. Ravin N Das
September 2005Managing a bacterial corneal ulcer
Gatifloxacin eye drops (Allergan’s Zymar)
Dr. Atul Sharma
Dr. Atul Mishra
August 2005Interpreting Automated Perimetry in Glaucoma
The ocular surface in Glaucoma
Dr. Rahul Shukla
Dr. Ravin N. Das
July 2005Overview and pathophysiology of Dry Eye and the use of Cyclosporine eye drops in the management of dry eyeDr Paras Mehta (Baroda)
June 2005Overview and pathophysiology of Dry Eye and the use of Cyclosporine eye drops in the management of dry eyeDr Atul Mishra
May 2005Obituary
Phacoemulsificaiton II
Phacoemulsification II
Web-site statistics & Viagra® related blindness
Dr. S. C. Batalia
Dr. Rahul Shukla
Dr. Shabbir Hussain
Dr. Ravin N. Das
April 2005Video session on phacoemulsification
Video session on phacoemulsification
Gyrate atrophy – case presentation
Dr. Atul Mishra
Dr. Shabbir Husain
Dr. Ravin N. Das
March 2005Dry Eye, Carboxymethyl Cellulose
Computer Vision Syndrome
Dr. Mrs. Shikha Dubey
Dr. Maj. Avinash Mishra
February 2005Blue Eyes
Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment
Moxifloxacin eye drops
Dr. Ravin N. Das
Dr. H. S. Ray
Suvir Tiwari (Ajanta Pharma)
January 2005Overview on LASIK (article awaited)Dr Pawan Sthapak
November 2004Case Presentation
October 2004AnisocoriaDr Urvashi Sharma
September 2004Case Presentation
August 20041. Target IOP
2. Peer to peer review on glaucoma
Dr. Ravin Das
Dr. Shabbir Hussain
Dr. Maj. Avinash Mishra
Dr. Rahul Shukla
Prof. Emeritus Dr. R. K. Mishra
July 2004AccommodationDr G D Hoonka
June 2004Dorzolamide eye dropsDr Ravin N Das
May 2004Case Presentation – Goldenhar’s SyndromeDr. Vinay (PG student) & Dr. Mrs. Meeta Shrivastava
April 20041.Filtering Surgeries in Glaucoma
2. Keratomycosis
Dr. Nutan S (PG student)
Dr. Vasu (PG student)
March 20041. Paediatric IOL’s
2. Automated Perimetry – Humphrey’s
Dr. Sheetal (PG student)
Dr. Sandeep (PG student)
April 2003Strabismus – An OverviewProf. Dr. R. K. Mishra
November 2002Diabetic RetinopathyDr H S Ray
September 2002Photodynamic TherapyDr Atul Mishra
July 2002Hydroprocedures and Nucleus Phacoemulsification
Phacoemulsification – fluidics and phacodynamics
Phaco-incision, CCC
Dr. Shabbir Hussain
Dr. H. S. Ray
Dr. Pawan Sthapak
April 2002IridocyclitisDr Brajesh Choudhary
August 2001Infective KeratitisDr Shabbir Hussain
May 2001Migraine – An OverviewDr Ravin N Das
April 2001Central Serous ChorioretinopathyDr Atul Mishra
UndatedChildhood Esotropia
Steroid induced glaucoma
Anti-metabolites in glaucoma
Newer medications in the management of glaucoma (Chitrakoot Conference 2001)
Prof. Dr R K Mishra